The Chinese Translation is Here!

Hello everyone! For the past two weeks the Translation Masters and I have been hard at work on the Chinese translation for File 01.

As of right now, you can finally play the first file in Chinese! A huge thank you to them for making this possible in such a short amount of time!!

In addition to the Chinese translation, I took this opportunity to implement a few other things. I'm still working my way through all the different feedback I've received, but there are a few quality of life improvements in this update as well!

  • Struess mini-game hint! Now hopefully not as many people will be stuck on it for hours!
  • When submitting evidence, the characters say "need more evidence" or "need less evidence" once you reach the last hint, if you submit too much/too little evidence, to help nudge you in the right direction!
  • Evidence should now deselect after submitting!
  • There was a problem with the solution to the mystery, as Anadyne's suggestion would not actually matter in terms of the time of death. Anadyne's explanation has been changed to the next best thing, to resolve this logical hole
  • Many other little tweaks and typo fixes as well!

I decided it was best to get the translation in your hands sooner rather than later, so this update does not include the extras, which I'm still working on implementing.

Thank you so much for your patience everyone. Enjoy!

Until next time!

— LockedOn.


Methods: The Canada Files 686 MB
Version 3 Feb 20, 2023

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